AXPDF PDF to image converter is easy-to-use and efficient. With few seconds you'll get familiar with it and enjoy creating all the images in formats you want.
You can now quickly add your PDF as images into your blog album or get the image snapshots to post online.
Key Features
Convert PDF into images
Optional 8 formats of output images: JPG/JPEG, TIF/TIFF,BMP,
Batch processing (Pro version only)
Full-page conversion
Multipage conversion
Variable output color depth
Variable image quality with resolution (DPI)
Variable tiff file compressions: default, none, RLE, Fax, Pack Bits, Jpeg, LZW
5 PostScript levels for PS and EPS
Standalone program: does not require Adobe Acrobat, or Acrobat Reader
ОS: Windows 95, 98, ME, 2000, XP, 2003, 2008, Vista, Windows7
Size: 2.66 Mb
Image converter is a very useful tool for images. Learning applications like this gives ideas to make the work fast and easy. It's good that this image converter can be downloaded for free.